Thomas Rowe
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  • My name is Thomas Rowe and I am a 23 year old with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science.

    This website was built using a Django backend as a way to experiment with web development.

    Right now, I'm experimenting with the frontend design elements of the site, so please excuse any odd design decisions you might spot.

    Please feel free to check out the available tabs, as well as my github page!


    Temple University, Philadelphia 08/2017 - 04/2022
    Bachelor of Arts: Computer Science, Minor: Chinese, Founders Scholarship


    Programming Languages: Python, Java, C, PHP, HTML5, CSS
    Tools and Technologies: Git, Jira, Docker, Flask, Django, Laravel, MySQL, Arduino, Postman, Maven, REST


    Temple University Engineering Department 03/2019 - 04/2022
    Teaching Assistant Philadelphia, PA
    Graded a variety of assignments for three upper-level engineering courses
    Responded to student and faculty questions via email
    Compiled and analyzed data on team projects and budget allocation for capstone engineering courses

    First Bank 06/2018 - 08/2019
    Finance Intern Ewing, NJ
    Communicated with clients via phone to request financial documents
    Compiled and organized financial information for the bank and its branches in Excel
    Sorted and filed loan documents for clients, both physically and digitally


    Project Anemone
    Capstone Project
    Developed a web application as a Scrum Master for Electric Bluefish that allows users to store a PDF/DOC file type in a non-relational MySQL database and request a web page's rich text, which is also stored in the same database
    Built a backend API using Laravel to handle user get and post requests and tested them in Postman before delivering the code to the frontend team

    Arduino RC Car
    Individual Project
    Built a fully functioning RC Car from scratch using PyFirmata which allows a user to control the car remotely using bluetooth
    Learned the fundamentals of electrical engineering, soldering, and 3D printing through the duration of the project

    Software Design
    Collaborated with multiple teams of four to code, debug, and test functions for various projects, ranging from simple Java calculations to machine learning

    OSRS Flipper